Lamb Research Group
Our research focuses on applying catalysis and physical organic techniques to the synthesis of new polymers and small molecules. We aim to develop synthetic methods that allow access to materials with different compositions, selectivity, and architecture compared to current methodologies. Mechanistic investigations and structure-property relationships will be used to better understand our systems and guide future breakthroughs. Members of the Lamb group will receive interdisciplinary training at the interface of organic, physical organic, organometallic, and polymer chemistry.
Contact Information
Group Picture - Summer 2024
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Our group firmly believes in creating and maintaining an inclusive culture where every team member is supported. Diversity and equity are key pillars to achieve this goal, and we welcome members of all identities, including race, nationality, sexuality, gender identity, ability, religion, culture, and socioeconomic background. We are committed to continually educating ourselves, listening and believing the stories told by marginalized scientists, and advocating for policies that will dismantle systemic racism, sexism, and other barriers that exist in STEM and all institutions.
Latest News From our Group
Briana and Luc were awarded 2023-2024 TA Award Honorable Mentions for their hard work! Congrats to the two of you!
Our work performing sequential cationic, anionic, and radical polymerizations utilizing a universal mediator was recently published in Chemical Science! Great work Will and Brandon! Go read the paper here.
Brandon was awarded the Lester C. and Joan M. Krogh Excellence Fellowship. Congrats Brandon!